#ChangeTheHeart Prayer Service

By January 14, 2019Uncategorized
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Join us in Canberra at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture at a prayer service regarding the 26th of January.

Date:  Thursday 17 January 2019

Time:  Service starts at 6pm

Venue: Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT

Light refreshments provided.

Local contact details:

Rev Kathrine Rainger k_rainger@hotmail.com

Hazel Davies hazelmdavies@gmail.com

Rev Tracey Matthews traceyann.matthews@gmail.com

During this service an offering will be taken up to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian ministry through the Grasstree Gathering www.grasstreegathering.org.au.  Please consider how you can support this ministry.


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