Dinner Forum 10 October 2018

By September 6, 2018Past Forums

Dinner Forum:

Why Neighbours Matter

Hugh Mackay AO
Hugh is a social researcher and the
bestselling author of 19 books. In
recognition of his pioneering work in social
research, he has been awarded honorary
doctorates by five Australian universities,
elected a Fellow of the Australian
Psychological Society and, in 2015, was
appointed an Officer of the Order of
Australia. His presentation will focus on the
role of compassion in lowering anxiety and
building stronger communities.

Chair: Emeritus Professor John Warhurst AO

Corinna 2 Room at the Southern Cross Club, 92-96 Corinna Street, Woden.
6 for 6:30 pm, Wednesday 10 October

Cost: $65 per person for a 3-course meal with wine, juice & tea/coffee.

SORRY – Bookings now closed

To book: Transfer to “Christians for an Ethical Society” BSB 805-022 account 03310199 and reference with “your-surname Dinner” AND also email bookings to admin@ces.org.au
Send cheque made out to “Christians for an Ethical Society” to CES, 15 Blackhall St, BARTON ACT 2600
Please advise by email to admin@ces.org.au of any dietary requirements or if you have a group booking requiring to be seated together.
SORRY – Bookings now closed

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