Who are the Christians for an Ethical Society?
We are a Canberra based ecumenical forum which seeks to engage with the ethical challenges of the contemporary world, locally, nationally and internationally.
Members of the forum are from Christian community and beyond and are committed to inclusiveness, justice, and harmony in a sustainable world.
The Christian foundation of the forum draws upon the prophetic tradition of the Bible which calls both religious and secular leadership to respect the whole created order, especially global humanity, giving voice to the voiceless and dignity to the down trodden.
The forum is conscious that in a secular world perceptions prevail that Christianity (and religion more generally) belong to their own world of personal piety. The forum exists to counter this notion and insist that not only is religion set within the maelstrom of ordinary life and its struggles, but that it has a voice that needs to be heard to counter what otherwise is a world restricted to its material and economic values.
The forum, while Christian in its foundation, seeks to be open in its dialogue with people of other faiths and of none.
At its heart the forum exists to proclaim hope in the midst of brokenness and struggle: to say without equivocation, a world which enables space for all is a better world, an equitable world is a more harmonious world, a world in which humans individually (and together) know their place with each other, the whole created order and God, is a much more liveable world. CES works in close association with The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.

President – Professor Ingrid Moses AO
Emeritus Professor Ingrid Moses AO has been a member of the CES Committee for a number of years. She is a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of New England (1997-2006) and Chancellor of the University of Canberra (2006-10). She feels strongly about the benefits of interfaith dialogue and addressing social justice issues together.

Chair – Clive Rodger
Clive Rodger is an economist and successful business person currently serving on the Boards of a number of public companies. Clive serves on the Boards of a number of Christian and community organisations including the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture. He trained in ethics at Princeton and currently is Chair of The Conflict Resolution Service of Canberra.

Past President – Professor John Warhurst AO
John Warhurst AO is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University, a member of the National Council of Caritas Australia, chairman of Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn and a Canberra Times columnist.

Past Co-Chair – Rt Rev’d Professor Stephen Pickard
Rt Rev’d Professor Stephen Pickard is Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Canberra; Director of the Strategic Research Centre in Public and Contextual Theology and Professor of Theology, Charles Sturt University, Canberra. He is an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Canberra & Gouburn.

Vice Chair – Dr David Hunter
David Hunter is Vice-Chair of the CES Committee. As a scientist, he has worked on locusts in many parts of the world and is currently President of the Orthopterists’ Society and is a Climate Adaptive Pest Management Specialist consultant to Asian Development Bank. He strongly believes we are to use our resources and talents to make a difference in the world through a keen sense of justice from a Christian perspective.

Secretary – Ann Skamp
Ann Skamp is an advocate for the full and equal participation of women and girls in their churches and communities and for the elimination of all forms of violence against women and children. She has been a member and Lay Secretary of the Anglican Church’s General Synod (1998 – 2017), a member of the international Anglican Communion delegation to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (2005 – 2016) and of the International Anglican Women’s Network (2006 – ). Ann is the Secretary of the CES Committee.

Treasurer – Dr. Jeremy Dawson
Jeremy Dawson is a retired researcher in computer science at the ANU. With qualifications in mathematics and law, he has previously worked at the CSIRO and in the Public Service. He is married with two adult children and worships at St Matthew’s, Wanniassa.

Board Member – Robbie Tulip
Robbie Tulip joined the CES Board in 2022. Robbie has a Master of Arts Honours Degree from Macquarie University for a philosophy thesis in ethics and ontology. He manages the Chaplaincy at the Australian National University, and is Secretary and magazine editor of the Canberra Region Presbytery of the Uniting Church, a worship leader and musician at Kippax Uniting Church and National Director of the Australian Student Christian Movement. He takes active interest in climate policy, convening an international scientific think tank, the Planetary Restoration Action Group. He is married with two adult children. He worked for the Australian Agency for International Development from 1989 to 2017.